I have been hoping and praying to be able to write this post for almost a month. Richard is at last home. He is safely with us again. This is a direct answer to thousands of prayers and lots of fasting. This is exactly what we asked for, and yet, although there are feelings of relief that he is home, there are a myriad of other emotions that I did not expect to feel. There is much work to be done and I don't know just how long it will take to get there, or even where we will end up, but we will move forward and see where the path to recovery leads.
For those who are worried for me and my emotional safety, I thank you so much for your love and concern. I know all too well that the trust my marriage was built on is broken. I know that he could leave again at any time and that I am not in control of his choices. I promise you that I am moving forward carefully. I am guarding my heart and doing my best to protect my children's fragile emotional state. Yesterday I spent almost three hours with the counselor at Joseph's school. We formulated a plan for Joseph and Annalina and then we talked about me and where I am at with this. This man is amazing. He gave me great insight and ideas and I am grateful that at the last minute he was willing and able to see me.
All four of the kids put aside their anger and willingly forgave Richard immediately. Annalina and Joseph spent the evening by his side. Joseph is especially happy and remembers to thank Heavenly Father in each prayer he says. The kids have a lot of questions but we went into this letting them know that they may ask Richard whatever they need to, whenever they need to. This has been a healthy thing for them as they are not pressured to ask it all at once and can ponder their feelings and process them in their own time. I am grateful for the amazing resilience of children although I know that there is a lot going on inside their precious little minds. I will be watching them carefully for years to come, I am sure. The children are still sleeping in my room with me and I feel that it comforts me as well as them.
After the heartache I have felt for the past month, I find myself feeling numb. I love my husband and I am grateful he has returned. I feel much compassion towards him because of the darkness that pulled him away from us. I also feel I am in a state of shock and at times I find myself afraid. I am trying to replace that fear with faith. Now the real work begins and I pray that I will feel the guiding influence of the Spirit as we go forward trying to mend the broken pieces of our marriage. I don't think this is something he and I can do alone. It will require much support and direction from above.
Again I ask that you not judge my husband. Knowing the pain he caused us, it took a great deal for him to come back and it will not be an easy road for him to fix the damage he has done. He will be working very hard to get healthy emotionally. He will also be working hard to fix relationships. He can use all the love and support he can get.
Thank you for the prayers you have offered on behalf of our family. Thank you for fasting with me on Sunday. I asked all who joined to help me fast that the love we feel for Richard and the light and love of our Heavenly Father would somehow penetrate the darkness he was dwelling in. He told me Sunday was a turning point for him. I know this is not a coincidence. Please continue to pray for my family, that whatever the outcome is, we can be safe and happy in the end, no matter what happens. I love you dear friends and family!
Keeping My Promise
11 months ago
Amy, you are an amazing individual... All the humility, kindness, and goodness... that I saw in you as a child and as a young adult... has stayed with you as a Mother, and wife... Our prayers continue to be with you and your family... We love you... Ken and Debbie McCarty
Amy, you no doubt will have all the support you shall require. I know this to be true. I also know what it feels like to be overcome with darkness. While my heart does ache for you & your children, would you please let Richard know that he is not alone. Remind him that there is goodness in him. Our little Ryan could testify to this fact. If I could I would encircle him in my arms. Perhaps you, in time, will feel up to doing so on my behalf!
Oh Amy!!!! I have been away from my computer for a week and to come back to find Richard back with his family is a blessing,so happy for all of you.
Through all of this darkness ,i have gotten to know you. I wish we had gotten to know each other YEARS ago…I think we could have had a VERY special relationship. You are so strong
kind and resilient and your love for you children is filled with such goodness.You must be an angel in disguise…
We send Richard our love and support and to you; my new found niece, you have my heart.
This is going to be a long journey for you all,but you have such amazing faith,I am sure you will come out on the other side
perhaps even stronger.
I wish you love
What a journey. Looking on the heart of a person takes real courage. Sometimes we think we might even be looking in a mirror, upon seeing the scary parts, the dark places where it is difficult to focus and find the way. Maybe it is because we all have dark times and dread the darkness. I think, though, that courage and patience win out. Light shines very brightly in those places. May you and yours continue to shine and to find the dark receding before steadfast hope--what brighter light is there?
Best to you all, David Burke
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