Saturday, July 29, 2017

Happy Day Jacob

I am so blessed to be Jacob's mom. He is strong, independent, and is always willing to help out. He has braved so many challenges in his 23 years. He never makes excuses, he just tries harder. I am grateful he still lives with me. He eases my burdens. I love and admire Jacob so very much! Happy birthday Jacob! (Please enjoy tonight's picture at Big Judds.)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sweet Kittens

 No sleeping pills for these two! Aren't they so sweet!!

Don't Fight Your Sleeping Pills

 Last night I took a sleeping pill, but didn't go right to bed. I ended up joining instagram (???) And I made an unexpected largish purchase online. Well, Annalina is thrilled to be getting a cell phone and I guess I was planning to get her one soon anyway...

Funniest part, I woke up thinking it was all a dream!! Nope!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Still Seeing Effects of Chemo

Tonight I learned that due to my chemo treatments, I cannot be a bone marrow donor. I am so sad I can't join the registry and possibly help someone when they need it most. I learned a lot about the process. Donating is not scary and invasive as everyone seems to think. If you are interested in learning more, please contact me. You'd forever be my hero, and perhaps you could be someone's last chance at life!

Thursday, July 13, 2017


 Yay, we made it Boise!!! And Annalina is VERY happy. Melanie might be too!