Friday, April 24, 2015

Joseph's Special Day

Joseph's 10th birthday fell on the 3 month anniversary of our loss of Richard. I did not mention it to the kids so I am not sure they were aware.  But I was.  I wanted to make it such a special day for Joseph. I am sure it is not easy at that age to celebrate a birthday without your father.  A few weeks earlier I had put out a request to friends to send him birthday cards so he would feel loved.  He got about 10 and really enjoyed opening them all on his special day. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Losing a husband/father to death is a terrible thing to experience at any age.  Losing a husband/father to suicide adds layers of turmoil to the loss.  It is in direct opposition to what a loving family is all about.  I want to remember the love we shared, yet I wonder, did he really love me and if so, how could he have left me the way he did.  During the darkest of times, I tell myself, he hid his depression and desperation from me, maybe he was only pretending to love me.  I am sure Satan is at the heart of that kind of thinking.  I try not to stay there.  I know my Richard loved me and our family and I know with suicide, the person suffering cannot see things clearly. They cannot understand the devastation others will feel, or the permanent scarring their actions will cause.  His note to me said his death was like a band aid being pulled off. That we would finally be able to heal without him here and that we would soon be happy again.  He saw the world as being better off without him.  But even knowing and trying to understand these things, negative thoughts come up from time to time. It is exhausting mentally to swing between thoughts of love and unity to death and abandonment.  I want to scream at him how wrong he was, how much we need him, how this kind of pain will never completely go away!  But I don't. I write it all in my journal to him.  And in some small way I am able to make peace with it. 

I understand so much of what he was going through. Even though he didn't share how bad things were, I knew and could relate to his pain and suffering.  These are things I cannot share with my little children yet.  They struggle with the way he died, just as I do. But they didn't see things the way I saw them.  To them he was strong, happy, invincible daddy! I struggle with how to help them cope with the questions that come up.   Last night Annalina came to me crying because she was missing Richard so badly.  I ache for her and we talked for a long time about it.  She told me she had noticed several times that daddy seemed sad and she wanted to ask him about it.  But she got busy and forgot and then he was gone.  I explained as best I could that had she asked him, daddy would have smiled and told her everything was perfectly fine.  That was just how he was.  She has been living with this for over two months now, this thought that had she said something to him, he might still be here.  I held her as she cried. I talked to her. I loved her. And I saw all my own regrets in that moment.  All the blame that I couldn't help but feel.  All the longing to go back and  change things, to make a difference, to save him, to keep him here with us.  And in helping my daughter deal with these things, I am helping myself as well. Because I really need her to understand this was in no way her fault, there was nothing she could have done.  That is yet another terrible thing about suicide. Those left behind are left with regret and sadness and so many questions. 

At one point I went to my Bishop and asked him why I woke up at 4 am to find Richard gone.  Why did I go talk to him and yet I didn't feel prompted to do more, to do something that would have saved him?  Was I unworthy of such guidance and did my unworthiness cost my husband his life? (Again, thoughts planted by Satan, I am certain).  His answer was that only the Lord knew how deep and painful Richard's suffering was.  Only He knew what Richard needed to be made whole.  And he wasn't going to get that here on earth.  And while I ache because I wanted to be all he needed, yes, a little egotistical, I am coming to an understanding that he is where he needs to be to heal and become whole.  Though we have years ahead of us of sadness and loneliness from missing him in our lives, we will have what we have always been promised we will have an eternal family.  It still hurts deeply.  But at times I think of our first reunion and the joy that will be ours at being together after so long apart.  Death is no longer scary to me.    

Some say suicide is a terribly selfish thing to do as it affects so many people.  Sometimes I think of my desire to keep Richard here and I think maybe I am the one being selfish.  I know how much pain and suffering I am feeling, and my children as well to a degree, but I cannot possibly know how much Richard was suffering.  I believe he is no longer in pain and darkness.  I believe he can feel hope once again and I believe he can feel the love and light of the Savior.  I am so grateful for this knowledge!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Meet Miss LuLu

Last week I took a chance, I listened to myself, I trusted my instincts, I did what I thought was best.  And I am so happy it was the right move!

The kids and I have been talking about getting a pet.  Once we own a home, which could be a few years, we want to get a dog.  For now it is too expensive to pay deposits and pet rent.   But my kids needed something to focus on, something to love them and need them.  Last fall I saw ads on a Rexburg garage sale site for baby hedgehogs, so adorable.  I talked to Richard about it, but he was less than thrilled so I let it drop.  I started thinking about them again last week. Just my luck a breeder in the area is getting ready to leave for the summer and couldn't keep her hedgies.  She had an adult female for sale. I got great advice from friends who have had them before and decided to go for it!

Lulu was shy at first. She rolled up into a ball and her quills poked straight up and they HURT when I tried to touch her.  I started to second guess myself. Would my kids be able to love such a pokey creature?  Apparently the answer is yes. They adored her from the start, keeping her wrapped in towels to protect themselves from her quills.  Annalina held her constantly. Lulu would come out and sniff around, but still was very uncertain of her new home.  But Annalina had so much patience.  After just 24 hours Annalina was picking her up without gloves or a blanket.  And Lulu would snuggle up to Annalina, trying to burrow under her arms and legs.  She went from a prickly little porcupine to a sweet cuddly bundle of joy.  He quills lay back most of the time and she is so much fun to play with and chase around the house.  She is very clean and doesn't smell.  She is low maintenance and east cat food.  Very easy to care for!  The kids thank me for her every single day.  We all love little Lulu. Just look at that sweet face!