Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow Fest: Sledding!!

The Polar Plunge

Keep in mind, the water temperature is the same as the air, a chilly 35 degrees!  Brrr!  They just kept shoveling more and more snow in that pool!  Brave guys, brave, brave, guys! (Substitute crazy for brave if you prefer)

Rexburg Snow Fest 2013

Today Rexburg hosted its annual Snow Fest and we were there!  The park is a little over a half mile from our house, so we bundled up and walked over. We were all hot by the time we got there though.  It was 35 degrees today and after surviving -17 degree weather last week, we were all enjoying the heat wave! The park has a natural hill on one side and the city blocked off the road and piled even more snow up on the street to make the sledding run nice and long.  We went there first.  The kids had a blast sledding!  Due to the warmer weather we had some melting so the snow was very wet. I am glad the kids have good snow gear!  The next big event was the Polar Plunge.  The city put in a temporary pool of water which they filled with icy water and then about 40 brave souls took the plunge.  Guess who two of those brave souls were?  None other than Richard and John!  After being lifted on a platform and jumping in, they got 2 minutes in the hot tub to warm back up!  I will post their video in the next post, be sure to see it, its fun!  The little kids did some treasure hunting in a huge pile of snow.  They got to search for gold coins and then exchange them for prizes.  We hit the hot cocoa pavilion a few times.  The kids did the snow ball toss and snow graffiti where they got to build a snow sculpture and then paint it with spray bottles filled with water and food coloring.  We ended the day with a wagon ride around the park and a little more sledding, then we headed home!  It was a great way to spend the day! 

Great snow for a snowball toss!

The polar plunge pool!  They kept adding snow to it   When they checked the temp, it was 35 degrees.

About to take the plunge!

Good news, Lesa met a guy!  He seems nice, although a little cold...

Lovely ladies!

You don't want to know what I told them to say to get this look out of John, trust me, you don't wanna know!

My brave polar plungers!  Nice hats they got eh?  Next year we are considering doing this as a family!

Joseph is laughing because I told him there was a horse bum in his picture!!

Monday, January 21, 2013


This is what happens when the sun comes out but it is still really, really cold outside....
 Both of these beauties measured in at four feet long and the one below is probably three inches across!  So far for the season this is the record, I'll keep you posted though!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snow Dunes Adventure

We just spent an amazing afternoon on the sand dunes, which are snow dunes this time of year.  They are only about a half hour or so away.  The sun was shining and the skies were blue! It only got up to about 18 degrees, but it did not feel so cold with the sun shining down on us!  We could even see the Teton Mountains off in the distance!  Some of the dunes were steep, some were more gradual and long.  But it was a fabulous way to spend a beautiful Saturday here in Idaho!  Next time we will get some inner tubes to take along!
Pure joy!

My snow angel!

Daddy/Daughters shot!

The impressive Teton Mountains off in the distance!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Why I Love BYU-I

Today is the first day of classes here at BYU-I and after surviving my first semester here I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about my experiences. I am so very grateful for this opportunity I have to attend such an amazing university. It is refreshing to go to a school where swearing is never overheard, where second hand smoke does not permeate the air, and where young men and women alike dress modestly and respect themselves and those around them and where young people go out of their way to help each other out.  I have had the pleasure of interacting with many young college students who are kind and friendly and that is very different from my previous college experiences!  I love that classes start with a prayer. I appreciate that the teachers here give uplifting spiritual thoughts during class. I love the excitement I hear in voices of students talking about going on missions or discussing  the weekly devotional topic!  I love the bells that ring between classes to the tune of hymn or primary songs!  I often find those songs stick with me throughout the day! The campus is beautiful and well kept.  Each time I go to a new area of campus I find something beautiful to admire!  Water features, walking paths, beautiful flowers in the summer, it is truly amazing the beauty that is BYU-Idaho!

The learning model here includes learning by the Spirit and last semester I truly learned how important it is to ask for the Holy Spirit in everyday learning.  I can't even count the number of times I sat down to do Chemistry homework that made absolutely NO sense to me.  I stopped to pray and asked sincerely for help and within a few minutes my mind was cleared and I was able to learn these difficult concepts.  I know the Lord listens to us and helps us when we need it and ask him sincerely.

The people at BYU-I are amazing for the most part.  I was worried about being so much older at BYU-I.  And I am older.  I think I was the only person over 25 in all of my campus classes and I think I was older than my teachers as well.  But other students went out of their way to talk to me and to help me and include me in group projects.  Sometimes I wondered if I reminded them of their Mother's and that is what drew them to me!  One day I was waiting for Richard to pick me up and a car pulled up.  A group of girls hopped out and a few girls hopped in.  One of them ran over to me and asked if I needed a ride!  How sweet! 

I am feeling a little unsettled starting up a new semester.  I am taking more classes this semester and sometimes I start to doubt myself.  But last semester I learned to do my best not to be afraid.  Having fear can keep the Spirit away.  If I am afraid of my classes then I am not demonstrating the faith that the Lord can help me get through anything.  So I have been trying to keep in mind that help is always just a prayer away.  No matter how hard things get, the Lord is listening and I know he wants me to succeed.  If I can just remember that, I have no reason to fear and if I am not afraid, the Spirit can speak to me and I will be able to hear and heed its counsel.

I am so grateful for this opportunity my family and I have to be here in Rexburg attending such a wonderful school!  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Cupboard" Under the Stairs

Richard's sister Lesa moved in with us a couple weeks ago and will be here for a couple years while she too goes to BYU-I.  Our house is spacious, but the actual bedrooms are limited.  Joseph and Annalina have been sharing the BIG bedroom since we moved here.  So we put Lesa in with Annalina and Joseph has moved into the space under the stairs(that was how we sold the idea to him, he'd be like Harry Potter)!  We put up lights, a curtain and put his wire shelves and dresser in front to make it homier for him, but I am torn as to how I feel about it.  He very graciously gave up his own bed to his Aunt and he now sleeps on the floor. I asked him how he feels about his living situation. He sorta likes his space, but he misses his sister terribly(and don't tell her I told you, but she misses him too).  I do realize that they are too old to be sharing a room and he does need to get used to having a room to himself, but I do feel for him!  Jacob will be going on his mission in a few months, so most likely Joseph will move into his room and have a bed again!   So, what do you think?  Coolest thing ever?  Or am I scarring my child for life!  Ha! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Treasured Moments

Last night Joseph went to bed early because school started up today and he was tired from our New Years celebration the night before.  After trying to sleep for two hours, he came in to tell me he still just couldn't fall asleep.  I pulled him onto my lap and wrapped him in blankets and we snuggled on the sofa together.  I rubbed his head and eventually I spoke quietly and described a beautiful day at a tropical beach with a lovely light breeze and warm ocean water.  He got sleepy and I took him back to bed where he immediately fell to sleep.  I have treasured moments like this with all my children.  Tender times when I can hold them close and express my love to them and feel their love for me.  Joseph is my youngest and I know these times will happen less and less the older he gets.  It makes me sad, but I am grateful that at the age of 7, he still loves to come and snuggle with me from time to time.  I am so blessed to have four such wonderful sweet children!

Biking in a Winter Wonderland!

Monday Adrienne wanted to go out and take some snow pics, but none of the kids wanted to bike down to the river with her!  I thought it sounded like fun so I offered to go along. We weren't sure how the ride would be since the roads are covered in snow and ice, but we decided to give it a try!  Luckily on most of the roads there was crunchy snow on top so the bikes did ok.  Adrienne did dump her bike once on an icy patch, but being the adventurous nature photographer that she is, she was fearless and we kept going!  It was BEAUTIFUL!!!  The sun was shining and the air was full of glittery snow, it felt like we were in a snow globe!  She got some great photos.  At one point we went right down to the river and walked over the snow only to find there was ice below us and we were actually walking on the river.  We were hounded(hahahaha) by a young black lab that may or may not have been being playful.  Its owners could not get control of it. So we went the other way for a while then we headed to the road bridge over the river.  We were having a great time to so we kept going and crossed to the other side of the road and I showed Adrienne the water park. She took some amazing photos and we had such fun talking and admiring the glittery snow both on the ground and in the air.  On the way back the sun went behind some clounds and it got cold!  Our cheeks were very red by the time we got home!  What a fun way to spend some time with my oldest daughter!!  I love her so much and am so proud of the wonderful young woman she has become!  I am truly blessed!  Below are a few of the photos she took....

An amazing panoramic shot Adrienne put together in photoshop

The Rexburg Idaho Temple

Adrienne, photographer extraordinaire!

Snow, snow, snow!!

The weather forecast here is hard to trust.  It looked like there would be no snow for Christmas, but they were wrong!  We got some snow, then we got some more,  and then some more, it is truly beautiful out!

One afternoon Adrienne and Lesa took the little kids to play in the snow.  The photos Adrienne took are so cute I almost wish I had braved the cold to go along and watch. They had an amazing time!  I am soooooo glad I have a daughter who loves to take photos!

Yes, he is actually on a sled!

I recognize those boots, Adrienne gets a ride!

Annalina's turn!

I think he might need a Chiropractor!

Completing a 180!
