Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Sweet Sisters

Too cute! I've been gushing with emotion tonight about two sister cats, Amber and Sapphire, due to give birth within days of each other. Amber was there to assist and support during Sapphire's birthing. It was beautiful to behold. All 6 kittens are healthy and well. Look at pic 1, the protective arm of Auntie Amber across the babies. So sweet. Fast forward a few hours to pic number two. Wait, what? Yes, Amber has stolen, or maybe just borrowed all the babies. Either she wants to skip birth and feels her family is complete, or she's trying to get her own labor started. Or maybe, just maybe she is giving Sapphire a break? Sisters!!! Either way I am laughing at this cute little growing family. I adore each one already. I am looking foward to seeing how coparenting will work once all the wee ones are here!