Friday, September 25, 2020

National Daughter's Day

 Me and my girls!! I am blessed with the two most amazing daughters EVER!!! They are such amazing women and they have blessed my life since before they were born!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Sad Side of Fostering

I often post pictures of our sweet kitties. I love them all so dearly. People tell me I have the funnest non-paying job ever and a lot of the time it is. I don't share a lot of the heartache because it is so personal and no matter how hard I try, I always feel responsible when we lose one. Well, Annalina and I have been working especially hard with a new kitten. She took a very bad turn today. We followed all protocol, we hydrated her, fed her, loved her, and still she left so quickly. Another kitten in an almost identical situation came back from the brink a few days ago. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. But I find myself doubting my abilities. And I ache so badly tonight. This is the side of rescue that is not fun or cute or fluffy. Please, spay and neuter. If your cats go outside, deworm them regularly. Sickly kittens born to uncared for mothers are what we deal with all too often and we love them so much, but it is not fair to them. And it just plain hurts.