Friday, July 10, 2009

The Difference Between 4 & 3 - Its not just 1

Things have gone very smoothly with the guys gone. Last year Joseph acted out in lots of crazy ways, but this year he has been very good. Its been fun having them sleep in my room with me and we try to find some fun every day! Yesterday we were picking up our raspberry order and drove by David Hill Elementary(which is no longer being used as a school) and saw a sign that said fun and lunch from 11-12:30. Hardly anyone was there, so we stopped in to check it out. They do this each week, its part of the federal grant to serve lunch all summer long. They also have planned activities and the theme yesterday was Australia. They made boomerangs, jewelry, played marbles, colored pictures, played with a parachute, had storytime, then we ate lunch. There were so few people there, the moms were offered lunch too. They served Roast Beef sandwiches, carrots, chips, oranges, and a cookie. We will have to stop in again, the kids had a really great time!

This morning Richard called and WE HEARD IT THIS TIME!! Annalina was still asleep, but Joseph and I talked to him for a few minutes. There are lots of stories to tell and we cannot wait to hear them when they get home. But he wanted us to know they are doing well and Jake is being a great leader! It was so good to hear Richard's voice and now the countdown is on, in about 24 hours they will be home!! Yippee!

We went over to water the Robert's garden and while watering the zuchini, I happened upon one that was so huge, how could I have missed it before?? We picked it and as soon as my battery is charged, I will add the photo to the blog, Joseph is very proud of it!!

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