Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cute conversations

Annalina and I were scrambling to clean up her room for a play date today. She has the next three days off due to parent teacher conferences. I was vacuuming and Joseph was playing on his bed. I finished and turned off the vacuum and told Joseph to run downstairs and put on his shoes for preschool. His reply was: "Not yet, I'm still controlling the sun". Hmmm, an odd statement coming from a 3 year old, or perhaps not so odd. I looked over and he had a CD and was reflecting a beam of light onto the floor and moving it around in circles. He learned when he turned it the wrong direction it stopped reflecting. His vocabulary amazes me sometimes! His choice of words was just too funny, so I had to come blog about it so I can remember! Too often the cute things the kids do and say get forgotten as the day goes on. I am happy to have a place to write about it!


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

Oh and I have no doubt that he will control the sun one day! That little guy can do it! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thats so cute !! Thanks for sharing you totally made my day