Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Quick Athletic Son

Jacob is in High School! How did that happen?? Thus far he has been pretty enthusiastic about it, getting up at 6am, even though he doesn't have to leave for school until 8am. He is also on the Cross Country Team and has practice every day after school. Last night they had their first meet, and he did GREAT! He was on the JV team, but his time was so good that he is now on the Varsity team! He ran 3.1 miles in about 21 minutes. All of his daily runs have helped him build up a great deal of stamina.

Jacob is taking three classes of PE this -his regular PE class, Strength Training, and Fitness Conditioning. So on his A schedule days he has two PE classes and on his B days he has one. He put these down as electives, hoping to get at least one of them, but for some reason he got both and his regular PE in the same semester. I hope he does not sweat away to nothing! He is also taking a welding class that his basketball coach from last year teaches as well as Seminary. He loves both classes. He homework load will not be so bad this term, but I am curious to see what happens next term as he will have no PE classes at all.
Rock Star Jake really looks ready to take on the world!!


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

There is nothing this kid can't do. He is amazing!

Beth said...

Wow! You really DO have a 'rock star' son!!! SO cool that he's such a great athlete! And scrolling down here (catching up on your last few posts) it's obvious that ALL your kiddos are BRILLIANT! :-) (Oh... AND good looking of course! LOL!)