I was tagged by my dear sis Megan!
1 One of my favorite Mother's Day gifts was a bottle of water given to me by my son Jake when he was only 6. Richard took him to Fred Meyer to buy me a gift. Well the claw game was broken, so what was a boy to do? He really wanted to win me something. But right next to the broken claw game was an Aquafina water machine. He decided that was what he wanted to get me. Richard tried to suggest some other things, but his mind was made up. I truly did love it, knowing he picked it out for me.
2 I am a recovering nail biter. I let them grow now, although I really hate long nails. They get caught on stuff and they just seem to get in the way a lot and there tends be a lot of upkeep what with painting them and keeping them the same length etc. When I get stressed I tend to bite them back down again, I think I will do my best to keep them trimmed short, oh and have a stress free life. That should do it!
3 I have an unnaturally terrible fear of spiders. I know it is far worse than just typical arachnophobia. If I see a spider near my bed, I will seriously not be able to sleep in my own bed for several nights. In fact I am usually paralyzed by fear when I see one inside the house. I often have waking dreams about spiders. My eyes are open and I see spiders, but they aren't really there. I wake Richard up so he can kill the spiders crawling on the bed, only there aren't any. He is very patient with me though, calming me down and getting me back to sleep. Oh and I do stay in bed if they were just dreamed, but often I have to hide under the sheets, after removing the comforter they were crawling on. Luckily we live in a nice house without lots of little ways in. I have only seen three real spiders since we moved in almost two years ago. I see them in my dreams several nights a week. Yuck!
4 I am going to school to be a nurse! I have always wanted to work in this field, and every time I have had a baby, or surgery, I think how great it would be to help other people through difficult times. But why oh why does the human body have to be so complicated?! It is truly fascinating and miraculous how we work! It makes the Big Bang theory seem utterly ridiculous!
5 I love to sleep with the windows wide open. Especially this time of year. Its nice to snuggle under the blankets when its so cold!
6 My closet is never clean. I just cannot keep up with it! I am sure my husband is glad not to have to share with me anymore. It couldn't have been fun to step all over my clothes to get to his. Maybe when I grow up I will learn to keep it clean!
7 I am unusually ticklish! I always have been, just ask my sisters. For years I had to sleep with my arms down in defense of being tickled under my arms in my sleep. I only got over that in the last few years. My husband thinks my ticklishness is pretty funny. He only needs to come near me pretending to tickle me and I laugh and yell at him to stay away. Sadly sometimes he is just being loving and he rubs my arms lightly and I break into laughter.
So now according to the rules I am supposed to tag 7 people, but I am afraid to say I don't even have seven blogging friends to challenge(since Megan already did this). So I will reinforce Megan's challenge and suggest that my sisters Beth and Mar do this, its really fun. Also, Aunt Renetta, any cousins reading my blog, my friend Beth Long, and Sarah Keith if you ever find time with that tiny sweet new little baby of yours! We'd love to get to know you better!