Richard and I spent the morning at the dentist with Joseph. Last night poor little Joseph fell face first onto a big plastic bin and split the front of his gum and twisted one of his front baby teeth into a very odd position. He cried and needed lots of TLC for about a half hour, then declared himself fine. I said to him, "I am so sorry you got hurt" and he replied, "It's ok Mom, I'm fine" If you recall, I mentioned that Joseph was 100% boy, and for some reason he feels the need to prove it again and again. The dentist decided he would try to straighten it out and see how solid it still felt. So they got out the nitrous oxide which Joseph assured me smelled like pizza. And once he was nice and loopy he got several shots around his tooth. He said ouch a couple times during the shot process. The dentist started moving it back into position when pop, out it came, along with the ENTIRE root. I had no idea baby teeth were that HUGE with the root attached. So now he has a hole in his smile as well as a hole in his gum! We have been trying to take it easy this afternoon as it tends to dribble lightly from time to time. Poor little guy! His adult teeth will probably not come in for another couple of years, but I am sure Joseph will adjust to his missing tooth. I am feeling rather heartbroken about the whole thing. I am considering investing in a giant bubble to keep my little guy safe!! Tonight after dinner, at around 6:30, Joseph proclaimed he was tired and asked me to take him to bed. I did and he fell asleep almost instantly. A long day for a little guy!!

Sorry Amy!! That happened to Matthew too, and I was so tramatized!! I eventually got over it and decided it just made him all the cuter. When his adult teeth came it, I missed his little "mailbox" (that's what he called the open space). He actually lost both front teeth when he was 2 and 3. I'm glad that he is o'kay- brave little guy. Once I give my kids a popsicle, they're over it... it takes me a little longer!! Andrew said after Matthew lost the second one that maybe we shouldn't let him walk anymore- that he should ride in a stroller (so I can relate with the whole bubble idea!!)
Poor Joseph--he looks pretty cute though. I said on face book Nathan is going to be jelous- but so is Leila! She complains of wobbly teeth all the time, but they aren't wobbly yet... Yikes- it sucks to think about our babies hurting doesn' it?
I bet he was pretty happy if the Tooth Fairy came! He'll be fine, he's a boy and he probably thinks it's cool! Too bad us Mommies don't think the same way. :)
Awww.... poor little guy! But he sounds like he's 'tough!' LOL! "smells like pizza" hee hee hee... too funny! I about died when Alycia chipped a huge chunk out of her front baby tooth a few years ago. I felt so 'guilty' for some reason. (And the dentist said it wasn't worth fixing... and I agreed...) When it finally fell OUT I was actually relieved! Now her adult tooth has grown in and I am SOOOO grateful that our kids get a trial run set of teeth! LOL! At least Joseph didn't knock out his permanent tooth! Phew! (P.S. Let me know if you find a good deal on one of those bubble things... ha ha ha!)
What a trooper! That is really cool that they had pizza-smelling nitrous oxide. That makes me want to bang my tooth and go to the dentist!
Happy Birthsay today Amy! I hope you had a great day!
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