Monday, November 24, 2008

Milk, glorious milk...

Joseph has been off milk products for a couple of months and it has been really hard on him. He loves yogurt and he loves cheese and he loves just plain milk! The Dr office advised me to keep him off of milk, since it seemed to help with his hive breakouts. I decided I wanted to know for sure so this last week I took Joseph in to see the Allergist. He was tested for milk as well as milk proteins and it came up negative. He does NOT have an allergy to milk! Yippee! Apparently the hives coming and going away in relation to milk product consumption was just coincidental and not related to what he was eating. I am so relieved. So we came right home and he at a cup of yogurt, his favorite!! No more breakouts! I am so glad I did not listen to my Dr and just assume it was milk. I cannot imagine keeping him from eating dairy for an extended period of time when there was really no problem!


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

Way to go! Mothers intuition trumps a doctors advice over the phone- that is for sure. :o) Glad he is better and I didn't hurt him any when I gave him milk the other day.

Jill said...

Wow, I can't imagine life without ice cream! Good goin' saving him from an ice creamless life!:)