Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Treasured Moments

Last night Joseph went to bed early because school started up today and he was tired from our New Years celebration the night before.  After trying to sleep for two hours, he came in to tell me he still just couldn't fall asleep.  I pulled him onto my lap and wrapped him in blankets and we snuggled on the sofa together.  I rubbed his head and eventually I spoke quietly and described a beautiful day at a tropical beach with a lovely light breeze and warm ocean water.  He got sleepy and I took him back to bed where he immediately fell to sleep.  I have treasured moments like this with all my children.  Tender times when I can hold them close and express my love to them and feel their love for me.  Joseph is my youngest and I know these times will happen less and less the older he gets.  It makes me sad, but I am grateful that at the age of 7, he still loves to come and snuggle with me from time to time.  I am so blessed to have four such wonderful sweet children!

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