Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yes, it is true, we are moving....

This last year has been very difficult for us financially. Our income has gone down while expenses have gone up. I have prayed for months now to be able to find a way to make it work here in our home. This past month those prayers changed. We prayed to know where to go. Last weekend Richard took me to some townhomes near his work. They were so tiny and I cried thinking of the sacrifice it would be trying to live there for the next few years. When we got home I started to look for places on Craig's List. There were a few houses in our price range, but they had to be near the max line, we will soon be a one car family again. One place looked good to me, so I mapped it out and saw a building just across the street that looked suspiciously like one of our church buildings. Sure enough, it was! For some reason that calmed me. And a block up the street is an elementary school. And max is little less than a mile the other way. We drove by the house in person, it is three stories and like a town home, but they are detached. We got out to walk around it and decided to check the front door. It was unlocked so we snuck in and toured the home on our own. It is much bigger than the apartment townhomes and has four bedrooms and a bonus room on the main floor with the garage. The middle floor is the living area with a fairly large kitchen, a dining area and a good sized family room. It is a lovely home. We called the manager and he took us through another larger home a few houses down. It was bigger and had more storage, but was also more expensive. This move is about cutting our costs so we can save and hopefully be able to buy again in a few years. So we went with the smaller home and it feels so right! I feel so blessed to have found a home I am looking forward to living in. I know the Lord is aware of our needs and that we were led to this area in answer to our prayers. We have a lot of work to do. We will be moving the majority of our things Thanksgiving weekend and will need to get the house on the market shortly after that. I am still in school, but I know the path has been laid for us, so we can do this!!! I am feeling so many emotions right now, but most of all I feel so very grateful.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey Amy, I hope this all works out for you guys. The new place sounds nice. Love the church across the street! The kids will adjust, kids are good at that. Sometimes I think I have a harder time than they do!