So the biggest news of that last week of school was Richard was home with us ALL week long. Tektronix had their first furlough, a week off with no pay. Fun stuff! This may be the first of several for this year. We spent Monday organizing the garage and it looks so much better. It was really nice having Richard home! On the kids first day off from school we took them all to see UP in 3D. I was a little skeptical about the 3D part, the last movie I saw that way was Spy Kids 3D and it gave me a headache. But instead of cardboard glasses, they hand out nicely sanitized glasses that are like sunglasses. They were comfortable. The movie itself had a very sweet story and the 3D was not just for a few special effects, the entire movies was in 3D and it was done beautifully. I highly recommend this movie to anyone. Go see it, you won't be sorry!
Adrienne has taken an almost full time job this summer babysitting for a family that has two kids ages 10 and 7. She loves the kids and is having a fun time caring for them and there is no diapers or spitting up to deal with, a great perk. Each day they take a walk to one of the nearby schools to play. She works each day from 8:30 -2:30 so she has her evenings and weekends free which is important for teenagers! I am proud of her and am glad she decided to take the job. She will be able to put away some good money this summer!
Jake is running a couple times a day and will soon be meeting up with the cross country team to run with them. Other than that, he is somewhat bored so far this summer. I am encouraging him to invite friends over for movies of video games and hopefully can take him to the pool for some open swims. He and Richard leave for Scout camp in just a couple weeks and he is excited for the classes he signed up for. As luck would have it, the week of Scout Camp is another company wide shut down, but at least there is the option for vacation pay. Tek is pretty much eating up all vacation pay with forced shut downs, so it is nice this one coincided with a week Richard already needed off. I am getting prepared for that week by not having the kids in swimming lessons or scheduled activities. I think we will just have a lot of unplanned fun!!
Keeping My Promise
10 months ago
Unplanned fun???? I hope I get in on that action! Isn't that about the time we have raspberries coming? lOve ya,
You most certainly can get in on the unplanned fun, in fact, lets plan on it! hehehe Come spend Raspberry day here with the kids.
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