The highlight of the week around here was the arrival of sweet baby Kathryn! My sister Megan went in to St Vincents on Tuesday morning. I had the pleasure of making it there after my lecture class to be with her. It went quickly and Kathryn arrived at 2:42 in the afternoon. I took tons of pictures and got to watch her get to know her family! What a sweet baby girl she is. She is so tiny and has a head full of lovely dark hair, perhaps with some red in it, maybe some waviness? Its hard to tell. She has sweet little dimples and is perfect in every way! I am grateful to Megan for allowing me the experience of seeing her baby come into this world. I was there when Leila and Nathan were born as well and they are all experiences I will treasure forever. Megan makes the whole process of birth look so easy! She handled everything incredibly well and I am so proud of her! We will be going over later to spend Sunday afternoon with the Conser family! I can't wait to get my baby fix!! I am including my favorite photo that Megan put on her blog. Doesn't she look great for one who just gave birth?? And isn't Kathryn so cute with her dimples and the way she is looking up at her mommy?
Congratulations to Megan! Her baby looks precious!!
What a sweet post! I am glad you were there-- can you believe I have been telling people how FUN my labor and delivery was? You are such a great candidate for a L&D nurse. I love you!
Cute, cute, cute!!!!! She and Tyler can 'get hitched' when they are older... cause they have matching dimples in their cheeks!!! Hee hee hee.... She is adorable!!! Congrats on the new family addition! And wonderful pics!
Hi again Amy!!!! Just wanted to let ya know that you've been 'tagged' over on my blog! Ha ha ha.... ***running away --- tag you're it!***
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