I realized today that I have been posting to this blog for 5 and a half years now! I love to write about my family and the things we do. I remember growing up we had a family newsletter that each extended family on the Frederick side would write each month. Then my Grandma Frederick would compile them all and send them out to us all. It was such a thrill to be mentioned in that newsletter. I remember it made me feel important and helped me feel like an important part of my family.
Now I am a mom. I really feel it is important for me to write about the activities of our family. I don't have a lot of clear memories from my childhood, so I want to preserve as many memories as I can for myself and my kids. Blogging helps me and hopefully my family to remember the difficult times as well as the times we have been so incredibly blessed. To me it is an important part of my family history. My family means so much to me and I hope that I am able to express that often so that they know how much I love each of them!
I realized something else this week. While writing about fun activities is easy for me, it takes me a lot longer to write about experiences that are emotionally charged. I have been working since March on a blog post about the death of my father. It has been hard to express that experience and yet I know I need to in order to deal with the loss I have felt and the gratitude I feel having him as a father and being his daughter.
I have also not yet posted about Adrienne's beautiful wedding! I have been so excited to and I have so many fun stories and photos to share, but there were some very precious moments involved in that quick trip to Oregon. I have put a lot of thought into my writing and will soon be able to share those experiences on the blog! I just want my dear daughter to know I have not forgotten to mention her wedding, I just want to be sure my writing does justice to such a beautiful experience!
Keeping My Promise
10 months ago