Saturday, December 3, 2011

Toys For Tots

We were running some errands when we noticed Star Wars had come to the Kohl's parking lot!  They were part of the Toys For Tots organization, which is very near and dear to my heart as Adrienne received a gift through them on her very first Christmas!  So we hurried home and grabbed a new toy from my stash and headed back.  The kids got to sit in a Humvee and meet some marines and pose with some Star Wars favorites! 

 We all thought Hans Solo was in charge of the Millennium Falcon?  No, its Chewbacca!!  Such a DIVA!
 Marine buddies!

Joseph just had to go ask the Marines if there were any Marines in Star Wars.  He was told yes, the Imperial army did indeed have an amphibious strike team!  Good to know!


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

How fun is that? Was that chewy or richard? hahahaha

jae said...

That is so awesome! Did you get to sit on Chewy's lap and tell him what you wanted for Christmas?