A month ago today my life changed forever. At the time, it felt like the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and honestly, maybe it was. But with a months time, I am seeing things a little differently. As with all trials we must face, we are made stronger, though that is often difficult to see in the midst of pain and despair. I am so grateful today for the faith that I have established up until now. It is truly what has kept me grounded and alive. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. Friends may come and go, my children may wander away from me, people I love may hurt me, but my Heavenly Father is always there for me. He is truly my one constant. I can pray and I know he listens. I can cry and feel his comfort. I can go to the temple and feel his presence. I am not completely there yet, but I am learning that I am a strong person, capable of withstanding the worst life has to offer.
I have been truly blessed with a sister who is my best friend. Megan is my shining star in the darkness. I have sought her out when I have needed her. And when I have not sought her out, she has found me. Calling to make sure I am alright. Checking in on me, offering to take my kids when my mind has not been fit for mothering. From her I learn what true friendship is, she is a wonderful example of pure Christ-like love.
I have learned that true friends do not press you for details when they know something is wrong. They are there to offer a hug or kind words and honestly that has helped so much. They are there to listen when you need it, but they don't expect explanations and they aren't hurt when you can't speak to them. Others who did not appear to be friends previously have been willing to sit with me in silence and not feel uncomfortable. That is a true talent. One friend emails me several times a week with words of love and encouragement. I know I have been in the prayers of those who care for me and I have felt that power. I have learned that I have a lot of work to do in being a true friend to others.
The path I walk is dark at this time, but there are points of light all around me, keeping me steady and helping me progress. I just have to remember to open my eyes and see them.
Keeping My Promise
10 months ago
Awww. How nice-- thank you. I am just so grateful I have been able to support you in small ways. I love you and admire you for all you are going through. You are already stronger from your experiences. Hang in there-- remember we will guide you when your eyes are close.
Amy- I'm sorry things are so tough. {{{HUGS}}}
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