Friday, February 14, 2020

My Kind Of Valentines

Happy Love Day!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Self Care

Thanks to Annalina, I went to my first pound class tonight. I was awkward and attentive trying to recreate their moves, but it was dark, so I did fantastic! ;) It's been 4 years since my battle with Breast Cancer began. It took so much from me, at a time in my life where I had little left to give. But I survived with the love and support of so many of you. However, it really wore me down. I want to start repairing the damage cancer and its treatments caused me, both physically and emotionally. I will fight for those most important to me, but I never truly learned that I am important too. And that makes me sad. I am still here for many good purposes. I have many things left to accomplish in my life. I am worthy. I am unstoppable. Let's all hope I survive tomorrow, because if I don't, well, that would make this a really awkward entry. ;)

Friday, February 7, 2020

I'm Short

The kids had their physicals today and I am finally and officially the shortest one in the house!! Joseph is now 6 feet tall and continues to grow. Annalina is 6' 1.75" and Jacob, well, he is tall. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Snow be gone

We are having some crazy snow right now! It's hard to keep up with and we are running out of snow storage space! I have been very lucky to have neighbors who have pitched in and helped at times. And the kids do their best too. The worst is when the plow does the street and pushes several feet of snow into the driveway. Where are our flying cars, science???

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Scared New Rescues

 When we first rescue a cat or kitten, they are extremely afraid. They may have been outside on their own for a while. They may have been abused and never felt the love of a human hand. Today, we had an emergency. Cold temps, ice and snow and a pregnant momma with her older litter dumped at an apartment complex. We don't know how far along sweet momma is, but we know her newborns would not make it in this weather. We set the traps and got momma and one of her three kittens. The others were no where to be found, so we left food under the shed they hide under and put a blanket under there too. We will set traps again tomorrow and hope to get the entire family. Tonight's rescues are afraid, and I just want to hug them and tell them life gets better now. But we will give them their space and before long they will understand that they are loved and wanted and will be protected. Just look at them. Mother and daughter look so much alike! And momma is much too little to be on her second pregnancy. =(