This past Spring my Aunt and my sister talked me into Triathlon training. I must have been mentally imbalanced(and looking back, I truly was) to agree to this. But you have to start somewhere and sometimes it is best to just jump in and get going! I have often thought I would like to be a runner, but then thoughts of getting to a healthy weight would always stop me in my tracks. I once set a goal to run a 5K with Jake, but only when I was skinnier!! That day never came. Good news though, I still have time! I have been biking a lot this summer and have gone swimming a few times too! My left foot has been really bothering me, but I still have tried to get out walking when I can! I joined a "Biggest Loser" challenge with friends and have cut sugar from my diet. I am not dieting and carefully watching what I eat, but the weight is slowly coming off! Hmmmm...could training for a triathlon be the key to weight loss? It has become a way of life, one that I enjoy! My focus is on me, and that is not a bad thing! I take the kids to the park and they play while I walk/jog. We go biking as a family. The changes I am making are good for the whole family!
Renetta's stake is hosting a Triathlon in September so Megan and I signed up but decided that was too far off. We registered for the Blue Lake Triathlon on July 31st with Renetta and Melia, a friend of ours. I was having serious second thoughts. I have been anemic for the past few months and with my foot hurting I was thinking of holding off to do my first Tri in Monmouth. My dear sister told me I could do it. But did she really know that? I nap once or twice a day how can I make it through 2 and a half hours of heavy physical activity! My Aunt called me and explained something very important. She said,"Amy, you will be tired, you may not have the energy to finish and that is ok, you will be ahead of where you are today and the training you have done will show". I went to the Dr and he prescribed an anti-inflammatory for my foot. Within 24 hours, NO PAIN AT ALL!! I asked him if I should do this Triathlon, he told me to go for it. Well that was it. My last hope for backing out was my Dr's advice!
Still fear and doubt were my constant companions. I can swim a half mile, I can bike 12 miles and I can do a 5K. But can I do them all together?? I was afraid not. The week before Blue Lake, I decided to do a run through in Hillsboro, just to see if I could. I mapped out a 12 mile bike trail and a 5K walk. Renetta called to see if I wanted her to join me. She lives an hour and a half away and I did not want her to have to drive three hours just for me, so I told her not to come. But she insisted and I will be forever grateful for her being there for me. We met at the pool at 7am. We swam, I felt great, we rode and it was fun, then we walked and the feeling I got as we came around the corner back to the pool was amazing! I had done it! We had done it! I hugged my aunt like crazy, then drove home in tears! I was on a high for a couple hours, calling Richard and Megan to tell them I could do this!! Around 1pm I fell asleep. The kids came and went,and each time I woke up my body ached. At 3pm I was up and feeling great! I can do this!!
The next morning Megan, Melia and I headed out to Hagg Lake to try Lake Swimming, the last big hurdle in my mind! We were all nervous about swimming out in the open water! We got in and did it. It was a bit cold and the water was cloudy. It was not a comfortable, fun swim, but we did it! I am ready, we are ready! We can do this!!
Keeping My Promise
10 months ago