After helping Adrienne buy her car on Saturday, we came home, boiled up a bunch of eggs and dyed them! What fun! We had a kit I got on clearance last year that made the eggs speckled and colourful. I could not find the other kit I got, so we used our bright food colouring kit and made our own fun colours. Adrienne took these fun pictures for us!

Easter Sunday was stake conference for our area. We did not go until 1pm, so we started out our morning with the wonderful deviled egg casserole that Aunt Lesa taught us how to make. It was just two years ago that she was here helping us make it for Easter weekend! We also had a wonderful fruit salad. The kids hunted for eggs and found a bunch. We headed off to conference and heard some wonderful messages! When we got home I fixed some scalloped potatos to go with our Honey Baked Ham. Mmmmmm! What a treat! Gidget got the bone from the ham, but she had to gnaw on it out on the back deck so she wouldn't make a mess inside. She was not thrilled by this and was very pitiful trying to get one of us to let her in! Annalina had fun taking photos of her!
It was a wonderful weekend with my family! I am so grateful for each and every one of them and the contribution they make in helping our family be so happy!