I had a cell phone about a decade ago. Back when they were SO expensive and could only be used for phone calls. It was never charged, or lost, or leaving 3 hour messages on my voicemail(you know, those accidental booty dials). It just wasn't worth it and I had NO problem canceling THAT contract!! I have recently been contemplating getting a cell phone so I could more easily be in contact with my daughter Adrienne. It also seemed like a good idea in case of emergencies, etc. Well I finally took the plunge a couple of weeks ago and ordered a droid phone with Virgin Mobile. Its a great deal and I have found that I absolutely love my new phone! I text Adrienne quite often, its a fun way to keep in touch. I text Richard occasionally to find out how his day is going. I can track ALL activities and appointments in my calendar. I have found list apps that have helped me keep track of daily things I want to incorporate into my life. I can keep grocery lists up to date and have a place to put important info, like free redbox codes!!
I have a general conference app that has over 10 years of general conferences and I am starting with this Spring and will work my way back. I am almost done with Spring and have been enjoying the spiritual thoughts that are in my mind on a daily basis just from reading an article or two a day. It is that uplifting feeling that general conference brings, but I am feeling it every single day! I hope it is helping me be more patient and contemplative in my interactions with others.
I have a daily scripture widget that puts a scripture up on my screen every day. I love to read them and try to figure out exactly how I need to merge them into my life. There are other apps I haven't gotten yet but I don't want to be overwhelmed, next I think I will probably try the scripture mastery app.
I can take pictures with my phone, and video too! I can use it to help find my way around with the navigator feature, I can look up recipes, check my email, keep my mind sharp with Sudoku, OH, and I can even call people(my least favorite thing the phone does)!
Technology is amazing!!! I avoided this for a long time, not really wanting to be available every minute of every day. Turns out the sound is off on my ringer a lot, whether I mean it to be or not. And that is ok. I will get better at this. But for now I am really enjoying learning all the neat things my phone can help me with!
My first two photos with my phone camera! Yay!